

Game best played in two player mode. Two input devices required. Works with keyboard or Xbox Controller (other controllers should work as well, but untested).

How to collect food

After selecting the game mode and judge Dunga finishes his speech, the game starts.The egg-cano will spew out food, which can be collected by touching it with the "towel"/"bed sheet" between your player figures.

How to deliver food

After collecting the food navigate into the highlighted area in front of judge Dungas rock.

How the scoring works

You may have noticed the numbers above the food. As in the real world food goes bad, when it comes in contact with the floor. Luckily in this world it's the 10-Seconds-Rule instead of our 3-sec one. This score indicates the freshness and also the score, which you will receive upon delivering the food.

End of the game

Keep scoring till the time runs up. Judge Dunga will call his verdict upon your case.


JustEatIt-Windows.zip 33 MB
Apr 19, 2020

Get Judge Dunga Verdict by food


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And no! Picking up food takes two people. You can't pick up multiple, nor pick them up alone. Have you seen how humongous those things are?!